Hi everyone
Hope you all did something you love to do during your term break and that you're happy to be back amongst all the bright, shiny faces today.
In case you missed it, I wanted to draw your attention to the article published in the latest LIANZA Library Life about Multiliteracy and Transliteracy by our own Donna Watt.
She is in a unique position of now working in the public sector with a wealth of experience in the schools sector and can see opportunities for collaboration between them. Definitely a way forward to consider.
Some of you were fortunate enough to attend at least one of her presentations at our fantastic SLANZA 11 Conference in Auckland in the first week of the school holidays. For those of you who couldn't join us and want to find out about them, plus heaps more besides, you can do this at: http://halfpintofwisdom.wordpress.com/
Our upcoming Collected magazine will be chock-full of some of the highlights from a truly memorable conference.