Thursday, April 12, 2012

SLANZA launches business memberships

The School Library Association New Zealand Aotearoa (SLANZA) is pleased to
announce the launch of Business Memberships for those businesses who would
like to enter into a productive relationship with our members.

Features and benefits to for all Business Memberships include article/s in SLANZA Collected Magazine with your logo and a live link to your website or current promotion on a banner at the bottom of the article’s page.

Our magazine Collected has a readership of over 800 with more than 10,000 unique page views per issue. Our readers are mainly from New Zealand but we also have readers in the UK, USA and Australia. Collected is developing as a leading source of information for school librarians in New
Zealand. This is your opportunity to reach those readers and inform them of an idea, trend or service that may interest them.

The article must be informational, providing reviews or commentary on new products or innovations, and will not be a paid advertisement.

The most recent issue of Collected is available to read at

We are offering four tiers of membership:

Platinum Membership - Top Shelf -
* An article in all three issues of Collected each year.
* Your logo/link live on a banner on the bottom of the article page. * Your logo/
link live on a banner on the "Join Now membership" page of our website.
* The opportunity to provide promotional material at one PD event for each
region over the year.
Annual Membership $500.00**

Gold Membership - Circulator -
* An article in three issues of Collected each year.
* Your logo/link live on a banner on the bottom of the article page. Annual
Membership fee $350.00

Silver Membership - Reserved
* An article in two issues of Collected
* Live logo/link on banner on the bottom of the article page.
Annual Membership fee $275.00

Bronze Membership - Periodical
* An article in one issue of Collected
* Live logo/link on banner on the bottom of the article page.
Annual Membership fee $150.00

Membership forms are available on the SLANZA website under “join now”

For further details, questions or suggestions please contact Lisa Salter or phone 021 116 1080.

** the first 2012 issue of Collected is nearly ready. If you do not join prior to our
first issue in 2012 you may join as Top Shelf for the adjusted price of $425.00.

Lisa Salter
Te Tai Tokerau SLANZA National Executive Representative

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Current National Library Survey


Thank you to everyone who has already done this year's National Library Profile survey. If you haven't had time to complete this years survey I am writing to beg you to do it today.

We all need good information to support our libraries and our roles in schools. To do this we need solid facts to base our goals and arguments on. Last year's survey did not get enough response to provide these vital statistics. To me that was a year lost of opportunities to see where my school fits in the realm of things. I want my reports/goals to be able to compare where I am with the rest of NZ. I want my reports/goals to have valid information to base realistic goals on and I want my reports/goals to celebrate all the things that I and my supporters (BOT, Sr Mgmt, students) are doing above average. Without a significant response to the survey from NZ school library staff, this will not happen. So PLEASE take the time to complete the survey urgently! Information below:

School Library Profile Survey 2012

Services to Schools provide support to all New Zealand schools, helping schools develop quality library services that support your students.

The annual school survey enables us to fulfill two important goals; to build a nationwide picture of NZ school libraries and to ensure we have current information about your school library. The collated information will help us shape our current and future services.
We invite the person with library management responsibility to complete this survey. It takes about 10 minutes to complete this survey. The survey will be online until 31 March 2012.

Survey link

If you have problems accessing the survey online there is a pdf version available for print at

All the best for the Easter holidays. I look forward to catching up with you all next term.

Lisa Salter - RLIANZA
Library Manager
Ruawai College and Community Library