Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Latest News from SLANZA National Executive

Last weekend was a busy one for National Executive (NE) in Wellington with Ross Todd presenting a workshop on Evidence Based Practice (EBP) followed by our AGM.

One hundred and twenty five library staff and supporters attended the Ross Todd workshops brought to you by SLANZA.  The results of our PD survey indicated that the most important thing we could do for our members is to provide affordable and relevant professional development.  The NE went out on a limb in our enthusiasm to bring an international expert to NZ and we were not disappointed.  

The NE is working on a presentation to take out to our members.  Further blog items directly related to Ross’s message will appear over the next few weeks as well as a round up of the evaluations from the workshop.  You can get a glimpse by checking the Twitter stream from the workshops #EBPNZ, where there are valuable snippets from the two events.

A small but enthusiastic and engaged group attended this year’s AGM and were the first to hear this years SLANZA Award winners:
SLANZA Principal’s Award
Tony Mabin acting principal Queenspark School Christchurch nominated by Saskia Hill- “Tony has demonstrated sustained support of innovation and excellence within the library team and as well significantly raising it’s profile and promoting the importance of the library team to student learning outcomes and to the school in general.  He has shared new ideas around school librarianship with other schools and the wider community, fostered high morale in the library team, and forged strong links between the library, students, staff and the school community.”
Peter Ross Principal Wakefield School Nelson nominated by Shona Rees and Kathy Ameen- “The library is the hub of Wakefield School and the community. Peter encourages plunket, kindergarten, playschool and home school parents to use the library.  He has supported additional staffing, is actively involved in the running of the library, considers library funding a priority and funds ongoing PD.  He embraces change with up to date technology.   Peter’s approach is an ambassadorial example for rural primary school libraries.”
SLANZA Certificate of Recognition
Carole Gardiner and Karen Carswell nominated by Miriam Tuohy and Bridget Schaumann- “ These two librarians, Carole Gardiner and Karen Carswell, have contributed long hours sorting and editing lists, gathering information from listerv and formatting it to fit the wiki.   This is no small task.  As their skills have developed the wiki has become stronger.  Both have agreed to continue their work with the next version and SLANZA will be richer for their contributions.”
SLANZA Award of Merit
Desna Wallace Fendalton Open-Air School Christchurch nominated by Wendy Marshall and Liz Jones- “For Desna’s dedication to “matching the right child to the right book”.  For her willingness to embrace innovation in new ways to promote reading.  Although initially a reluctant blogger her blog booktrailers4kidsandya has inspired others and she is generous in sharing her knowledge.  Last year her school book club “The Faultline Fictioners” helped the group come to terms with the earthquakes and the stresses they were living through.  She loves being a school librarian and pours every ounce of her creativity into her work, which has many lasting benefits.”

The first Honorary Life Members were announced and Fiona Mackie will be filling you in on those in her President’s Report to follow.  Senga White, immediate past president and Donna Watt, communications leader, were farewelled and thanked for their valuable contributions to SLANZA NE over the years. Bridget Schaumann was welcomed on board as President Elect. Bridget brings a wide range of school library and NE experience to enhance our organization.  

There was lively discussion around surveys and how they can support our advocacy.

On Sunday the NE got down to business:
·       We have increased funding for regional events in line with supporting our member professional development.  
·       We will be launching a new and improved website in the next week.  
·       Work is continuing on this term’s issue of Collected, which will be available early in the term.  Next term the theme will be ‘Blue Sky Thinking’.  We will be calling for contributions soon.
·       Work has begun on an Evidence Based Practice presentation (based on last week’s workshops).  It will be rolled out by NE reps to all regional members soon, depending on PD plans already in place for your region.
·       There was a very positive response to Life Membership.  Next week we will be asking for feedback regarding the process with the hope of streamlining for next year.
·       SLANZA Awards will also be reviewed.
·       SLANZA Study Award applications will be called for later this term.  If you are thinking of studying next year, start getting your application together and check our website for details.
·       Lisa Salter is to take the roll of Communications Leader from Donna Watt.
·       Details about Conference 2013 in Wellington are beginning to emerge.  Mark your calendars for July 15 – 17, the first week of Term 2 holidays.  Expect to be exposed to the best school libraries have to offer with international guests.
A to-do list for members:
·       Join Ross Todd’s, Evidence Based Practice, Facebook page
·       Follow #SLANZA on Twitter
·       Follow the SLANZA Facebook page
·       Consider applying for a Study Award
·       Attend regional meetings and events

Monday, July 23, 2012

A small farewell, but only in part

I wanted to let you know, in person, that I have handed over the communication portfolio to a very talented colleague on the National Executive, and as of this week, I will no longer be the Communications Leader for SLANZA.  I will leave it to Fiona to announce my replacement in her upcoming post, but I wanted to take the opportunity to share a few thoughts with you.

Working on the National Executive has provided me with opportunities to grow professionally in ways that I would never have imagined possible.  I have not only developed my communication and marketing skills, I have discovered that I have a flair for facilitation, and that I am very comfortable presenting and speaking in a professional role.  It's only by extending ourselves in unexpected, and sometime uncomfortable ways, that we truly grow, and I thank all of you for allowing me to grow in your time and in your space. 

My particular thanks to Senga White for having faith in me and giving me the push I needed.  To the whole of National Executive, I take off my hat to you for the personal energy, diverse talents, and passion that each of you brings to the table.  You are there for love of the work, and we all owe you so much for the work that you do on behalf of the members, and the communities that we serve.

My connection to school libraries and this community remains strong.  I am not going away, so hold that sigh of relief just a little longer!  You will still see me about, begging for content for Collected, and generally poking my nose in, wanted or not.

I remain, at heart, a school librarian.
Just like you.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Evidence based practice with Dr Ross Todd is nearly here!

I'me getting very excited that soon I will be attending Dr Ross Todd's seminar about School Libraries Making a Difference: Evidence Based Practice in Action.  I know that there are measures we can take to identify how we are making a difference, but so far what we've done at St Cuthbert's has been very subjective, so am looking forward to finding out more.  Have you registered, as registrations are closing....

There has been a Facebook group set up by Dr Todd and Lyn Hay, to link those who are looking at EBP, so I hope that I'll see you there!/groups/EBPforSL/

We will be tweeting during each day using #EBPNZ, so search for that exact tag to find out more too.