Sunday, August 8, 2010

Collected Magazine - a real collective effort!

It is so exciting to see all the hard work, brainstorming and creativity coming together in our new-look, new-format SLANZA Collected Magazine. I am a firm believer in collaboration and this new magazine is definitely a fine example of the success this brings. Bringing together talented, committed professionals is a very powerful way of making things happen. Remember - if you have a good idea, a burning desire or a project you want to see happen, talk to others about it. You just never know what might happen!
All of us on SLANZA National Executive who have been involved in this latest project now eagerly await your feedback. After all, this magazine has been conceived with our fellow colleagues working in school libraries in mind, so we want your input to keep it both fresh and topical and a resource you can continually refer back to.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done everyone. I am so enjoying seeing how SLANZA is evolving. From one who was there at the birth!

  3. Well done to everyone involved in the magazine. I agree with Pauline it is great to see SLANZA evolving.

  4. Awesome magazine - well done

  5. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to give us comments on our new Connected magazine. It has been a true labour of love (I emphasise the "labour" part of that phrase!!) and we have loved putting it together. Work has already begun on our next issue so keep those comments and suggestions coming!!
