Monday, November 15, 2010

SLANZA Conference 2011

Mark it in your diary right now everyone!

On The Wave - St Cuthbert's College, Epsom, Auckland: 17th - 20th July 2011

This is the one conference you need to attend next year.

Take a look at the details on our conference page and watch out over the next few months as we update you about keynote speakers and workshop opportunities. It's going to be a goody!



  1. How did I get to the conference page. I can't seem to find any links for it.I am very eagar to go next year and want to provide details as early as possible to our PD co-ordinator.

  2. Hi Senga,

    It is going to be a goody. Could I just draw attention to the shift in dates. The conference is now in the first week of the July holidays and not the second as previously advertised.

    See everybody there,

    Kaaren Hirst,
    SLANZA Conference Auckland 2011.

  3. The home page now has the conference logo, and a link to the conference page, which can also be found under the group of pages headed "What we do". This link will take you there:

  4. Just a reminder that the approx. cost for earlybird registration for members will be $400.

    If you intend to stay at St Cuthbert's allow approx. $60 per night which will include breakfast.

    Prices for the conference dinner are still being worked on.

    Kind regards,
    Kaaren Hirst,
    SLANZA Conference 2011.
