- Donna Watt, Technical Services Manager at Invercargill City Libraries and also SLANZA’s Communications team leader
Donna will be our keynote speaker, and will continue sharing her skills and knowledge during a workshop session later in the day. Donna’s sessions at last year’s SLANZA conference were hugely popular, really inspirational, and full of practical ideas that you can put to use right away in your library.
- Paul du Temple from Wheelers
Paul will be demonstrating and sharing details of their eBook platform. Don’t miss this face-to-face opportunity to keep up with what’s happening on the eBook front for school libraries in NZ.
- Warwick Taylor, Digital Services Librarian at Palmerston North City Library
Warwick will be presenting a “Technology Playground”, showcasing a range of electronic devices and how these can be used in the library.
All this, plus lunch, for only $20 (SLANZA members) or $30 for non-members. So mark the date in your diary now, you won’t want to miss it!
Included here are the schedule for the day, including information about the speakers, and a registration form:
Central Region SLANZA Day 2012 (pdf)
SLANZA Day registration form (Word document)
For catering purposes, we ask that you please complete the registration form and return your info to Joyce Richards at Nga Tawa by the 7th of March (richardsjoyce@ngatawa.school.nz)
If you’d like any further information, please contact either Miriam or Joyce directly.
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