At the National Executive meeting in March it was decided that we should re-instate annual SLANZA Awards and present at every AGM rather than just at conference. This year's AGM is in Wellington on 21 July. Nominations are open now and close 21 June.
The Award's are listed below:
Award of merit for information literacy
Award of merit for literacy and enjoyment of reading
Award of merit for promotion
Award of merit for research
Award of merit for library assistant
Principal's award
Certificate of appreciation
Certificate of recognition
Please consider those around you who are worthy of recognition and either nominate them or encourage them to apply.
For information about eligibility criteria, and how to apply or nominate someone for an award go to
Please note the cut off for nominations will be Thursday 21 June and the new SLANZA mailing address is:
Lily O'Donovan
SLANZA Executive Officer
c/- PO Box 27 321
Wellington 6011
Please contact me if you require any further information.
Lisa Salter
Library Manager
Ruawai College and Community Library
PO Box 7, Ruawai 0549
Phone 09 439 2216
SLANZA Te Tai Tokerau representative
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